Monday, February 9, 2009

xxXxxxx... aPPeNdiX ...xxXxxx

t0day, k.nurul cm xbape sehat sangat, dr pkl 5pg lagi dok muntah2 n mengadu skt perut. Tp oleh kerane die pregnant, sow we think that is biasela. Then, bwk die peg pusrawi kl tok examine pe yg sebenanye skt ne..lame jgk na detect yg die ne appendix cz die xpenah ngadu2 skt prot seblah kanan. Memule doc assume die pre-gastric,but den ble prot die still skt2, brla doc saspek appendix.
However, kan macam slalu happens, doc saspek apendix, tp bile da oper8, tade.... Da la, ma siste tue 6months pregnant, tanak kitowg amek risiko! So, kitowg decide na amek 2nd opinion from hkl, and it's c0nfirm appendiX. Ryte n0w, my siste, her husband n ma m0m still kt hospital, tggu na scan kedudukan apendix tue kul11 nanti. Sgt risauu..yela..takut jugak kan kalau operation ne may affect de baby. Hopefully everythin's g0nna be oK. Insya'allah!~

Aneway, if any of u guys ever have disz symptoms, cpt2 g0 to see ur doc...apendix cant be treat by h0me treatment.Juz cut it lol...

You may have appendicitis if:

  • You have pain in your belly. The pain may begin around your belly button.
  • The pain in your belly gets stronger and moves below your belly button on your right side (the lower right quadrant). This is the most common place to feel pain when you have appendicitis.
  • The pain does not go away and gets worse when you move, walk, or cough.
  • You have pain in any part of your belly or on your side.
  • You feel nauseated or throw up a few times. You also may not feel like eating.
  • You have constipation, back pain, a slight fever, or a swollen abdomen.
::copied from...


  1. smOga k.nurul cepat sembuh nOm...bahye tOl,sbb tgh pregnant tuh..same2 kita dOakan k~

  2. hmm..aku doakan akak ko cpt sembuh gak..n baby too..
